El linaje de Nisei Yoshin Ryu Kempo se remonta a Okinawa y Japon. Al sistema madre original. Ese sistema es Chito Ryu. Este libro cubre con los requerimientos de octavo y septimo kyu de esta escuela.
El linaje de Nisei Yoshin Ryu Kempo se remonta a Okinawa y Japon. Al sistema madre original. Ese sistema es Chito Ryu. Este libro cubre con los requer...
Nindo Ryu Iaijutsu is the system within the Nindo Ryu Bujutsu Kai who studies the sword arts of the samurai. It is a 'gendai" art. The system is a combination of three Japanese styles of swordsmanship. Those styles are: -Katori Shinto Ryu (Koryu) -Kodai No Seichin Iaijutsu (Gendai) -Ryu Sei Ken Batto Do (Gendai) This is an introductory book to the skills of the Swordsmans of Nindo
Nindo Ryu Iaijutsu is the system within the Nindo Ryu Bujutsu Kai who studies the sword arts of the samurai. It is a 'gendai" art. The system is a com...
The Koga Ryu Ninjutsu system as practice by the Kagetora Ha is composes of five main schools of combat. These schools are related to: -The Snake -The Tiger -The Crab -The Crane -The Dragon This is an introduction to the Snake Style of Kagetora Ha Koga Ryu Gendai Ninjutsu
The Koga Ryu Ninjutsu system as practice by the Kagetora Ha is composes of five main schools of combat. These schools are related to: -The Snake -The ...
Kagetora Ha Tojutsu Volume I The sword school of the Kagetora Ha Bujutsu practice the skills and techniques of the historical swordsmen & commoners of feudal Japan. This is an introduction to the skills of the KODACHI and the TANTO. Truly, these are the BLADES OF THE PEOPLE
Kagetora Ha Tojutsu Volume I The sword school of the Kagetora Ha Bujutsu practice the skills and techniques of the historical swordsmen & commoners of...
Kagetora Ha Tojutsu Volumen I La Escuela moderna de esgrima japonesa del Kagetora Ha Bujutsu Kai se dedica a la practica y el studio historico del uso de sables tanto de los samurais como de la gente comun. Esta es una introducion a las tacticas de KODACHI y del TANTO. Realmente, estas son Las Espadas del Pueblo
Kagetora Ha Tojutsu Volumen I La Escuela moderna de esgrima japonesa del Kagetora Ha Bujutsu Kai se dedica a la practica y el studio historico del uso...
El Kukri en un filo oriundo del Nepal con una navaja con la curva invertida hacia adentro que es utilizado como una herramienta y un arma, en el Nepal, India y otros paises del sureste asiatico."
El Kukri en un filo oriundo del Nepal con una navaja con la curva invertida hacia adentro que es utilizado como una herramienta y un arma, en el Nepal...
Modern ninjutsu in the west have no iconic tool as the so-called "Ninja-to," "Shinobi No To" or as we knew it today the ninja sword. Thanks to the media and the film industry, this variation of the traditional katana has become the acumen of the ninja. This is an introduction to the historical ninja-to.
Modern ninjutsu in the west have no iconic tool as the so-called "Ninja-to," "Shinobi No To" or as we knew it today the ninja sword. Thanks to the med...