The Obsessive Chronicles is a coming of age story, told in a conversational first person voice, recounting a young mans trials in overcoming mental illness. The novel follows Jordan Finemans descent into severe obsessive compulsive disorder while working in an Alaskan salmon cannery through his attempt to integrate into the New York City work force as a paralegal in the late 1980s. A tale as humorous as it is harrowing, sure to provide hope and encouragement to all who must follow a similar path, and to those who can identify.
The Obsessive Chronicles is a coming of age story, told in a conversational first person voice, recounting a young mans trials in overcoming mental il...
A young man sits alone in a public garden contemplating the big questions; the origins of the Palisades Cliffs, cold sesame noodles and his father's mortality. In the spirit of James Joyce, Josh Greenfield, follows the thought process of Jordan Fineman, where ever it leads.
A young man sits alone in a public garden contemplating the big questions; the origins of the Palisades Cliffs, cold sesame noodles and his father's m...
Jordan Fineman needs a break. His second year of college has almost done him in. His solution is to take off for a summer of work and adventure in Alaska. All the while mental illness is setting in. A summer to remember. A tale to grow on.
Jordan Fineman needs a break. His second year of college has almost done him in. His solution is to take off for a summer of work and adventure in Ala...