The Brotherhood Wars, a modern-day adventure and the final in The Jewel Trilogy, has young, accomplished art historian Michael Bennington off this time to Florence to view the famed recently-rediscovered Florentine Diamond and finds him in yet another thrilling pursuit this time of a legendary ceremonial sword purported to have belonged to the Emperor Charlemagne. This curious assignment then leads Bennington to Germany, and along with a vivacious young co-accomplice named Sabina, he tracks the artifact's whereabouts first to Munich and Berlin then to Amsterdam on behalf of a 600-year-old...
The Brotherhood Wars, a modern-day adventure and the final in The Jewel Trilogy, has young, accomplished art historian Michael Bennington off this tim...
Rooted in a rich, historical past, this adventure finds young and accomplished art historian Michael Bennington approached at a New York jewelry auction by a pleasant enough couple, nobility actually, who wish to engage him in a curious assignment. He must track down the whereabouts of a priceless necklace the couple thought they owned but have discovered theirs is only a cut-glass fake. Michael accepts the assignment with heightened passion--his specialty is 19th century jewels--and he's off to Mexico City where the real necklace originated. From there, he traces the path of this artifact to...
Rooted in a rich, historical past, this adventure finds young and accomplished art historian Michael Bennington approached at a New York jewelry aucti...