Jubilee Day is a page-turning thriller ripped from today's headlines. Set in November 2011, a mysterious group calling itself Jubilee is assassinating prominent conservatives-the chief justice of the Supreme Court; a former, but still powerful, vice president; several of the bankers who profited from the crash of '07-with a simple warning: Six will die, every day, until you start sharing your wealth and power. As the Jubilees make good on their threat and law enforcement proves unable to stop them, America's leaders are forced to choose: risk personal death by defying Jubilee or acquiesce to...
Jubilee Day is a page-turning thriller ripped from today's headlines. Set in November 2011, a mysterious group calling itself Jubilee is assassinating...
Thinking Peace dissects America's reaction to 9/11 andshows why the forever war on terror was doomed fromthe start. Human agression acts as a socially-contaminating virus. The more we resort to aggression, violence and war, the more war-infected we become, at all levels, from the bodypolitic to individual minds and bodies. Once so infected, we cannot even imagine more peaceful ways of living.Thinking Peace outlines practical solutions to our war-madworld, beginning with the personal work that all must doto become more peaceful. It explore essential changesto our media and electoral practices....
Thinking Peace dissects America's reaction to 9/11 andshows why the forever war on terror was doomed fromthe start. Human agression acts as a socially...
Human beings have walked on glowing, red hot coals in fire ceremonies since the beginning of our existence. What does this say about pain and fear, and about our ability to go beyond the normal limitations of physical reality?You may never do a firewalk yourself, or even see one, but Dancing with the Fire takes you on an extensive journey through the teachings of this ancient initiation ceremony. This book is a comprehensive exploration of the scientific, psychological, historical, and spiritual teachings of fire.
Human beings have walked on glowing, red hot coals in fire ceremonies since the beginning of our existence. What does this say about pain and fear, an...