This monograph provides excellent guideline to researchers struggling to get higher yields of Canola. It provides a picture for combined application of herbicides and different tillage practices to get moisture conservation in canola field. Observations on relevant parameters were recorded by using standard procedures. Data recorded were subjeted to statistical analysis. Keeping in view the rainfall pattern of Potohar region (Punjab: Pakistan) and importance of canola in Agriculture present study was designed to record the effect of integrated use of herbicide and different tillage methods...
This monograph provides excellent guideline to researchers struggling to get higher yields of Canola. It provides a picture for combined application o...
Potohar plateau (Punjab) of Pakistan comes under Punjab province and western parts of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, thus representing an Oriental distribution of insect species with traces of Palearctic fauna. It is spread over an area of about 15,830 having a latitudinal range of 32 30' - 34 N and longitudinal range of 71 30' -74 E The study was carried out to explore ant fauna of this important region of Pakistan. It comes up with a record of 21 species of ants with variable distribution pattern and habitat preferences."
Potohar plateau (Punjab) of Pakistan comes under Punjab province and western parts of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, thus representing an Oriental distribution...