Matt Potters writing possesses a delicate snark, an incisive wit that lifts even the commonplace into unique memorability. The characters have the makings of great fictional people: theyre singular and quirky, but at the same time possessed of an indisputable sense of reality. These people exist, they live and breathe, and we the readers, recognize in them our friends, our family. And ourselves.
~ Guilie Castillo Oriard, author of The Miracle of Small Things
The small fictions in Based on True Stories will not lull you - they will piss you off or, at the least, move you to indignation or...
Matt Potters writing possesses a delicate snark, an incisive wit that lifts even the commonplace into unique memorability. The characters have the mak...
A month of stories, 31 in all ... desperate divas and ambitious execs, cuckolded housewives and puzzled politicians, squabbling sisters and nasty neighbours ... all get a guernsey in this collection of fiction and non-fiction about people funny and very unfunny too.
A month of stories, 31 in all ... desperate divas and ambitious execs, cuckolded housewives and puzzled politicians, squabbling sisters and nasty neig...
For Pre-Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate English as a Second Language students
In our resource rich world, we can come to depend upon technologies to assist us in so many ways, including learning.
This book includes 45 speaking, writing and listening activities for teaching English as a Second Language, fully contained within the book, on the page: no other resources needed, not even copying. You can enter the classroom and all you need is a whiteboard, a marker, and the book. No other technology is necessary!
All students need is a paper, a pen and their own abilities.
For Pre-Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate English as a Second Language students
In our resource rich world, we can come to depend ...
For Pre-Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate English as a Second Language students
In our resource rich world, we can come to depend upon technologies to assist us in so many ways, including learning.
This book includes 45 speaking, writing and listening activities for teaching English as a Second Language, fully contained within the book, on the page: no other resources needed, not even copying. You can enter the classroom and all you need is a whiteboard, a marker, and the book. No other technology is necessary!
All students need is a paper, a pen and their own abilities.
For Pre-Intermediate to Upper-Intermediate English as a Second Language students
In our resource rich world, we can come to depend ...