Hisazumi Akai, Atsushi Hosaka, Hiroshi Toki, F Bary Malik
Focusing on developments and priorities in various areas of physics, this book presents advances in high temperature superconductivity and super fluidity, physics of low dimensional systems, Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum dots, collective modes in fin
Focusing on developments and priorities in various areas of physics, this book presents advances in high temperature superconductivity and super fluid...
The recent rapid innovations in supercomputer technology are changing the concepts of numerical calculations employed in solving a wide variety of nuclear many-body problems. The purpose of the XVII RCNP International Symposium on Innovative Computational Methods in Nuclear Many-Body Problems (INNOCOM97) was to discuss the frontiers of various computational methods and to exchange ideas in wide fields of nuclear physics. The subjects discussed at the symposium covered almost all the areas of nuclear physics.
The recent rapid innovations in supercomputer technology are changing the concepts of numerical calculations employed in solving a wide variety of nuc...
This volume discusses the exciting physics with new accelerator facilities, which are being constructed or proposed in various places. The facilities are RHIC (Brookhaven), CEBAF (TJINP), SPring-8 (Nishi-Harima), RIBF (RIKEN), JHP (KEK-INS), RIB (MSU), LISS (IUCF) and COSY (Juelich). RHIC aims at the creation of a QCD deconfinement phase and the study of the properties of such matter. CEBAF and SPring-8 use leptons to probe the quark-gluon structures of hadrons and nuclei. LISS and COSY use high resolution hadron beams to study hadron structures. JHP produces strong secondary hadron beams for...
This volume discusses the exciting physics with new accelerator facilities, which are being constructed or proposed in various places. The facilities ...
Spin physics is one of the most important and active areas of theoretical/experimental nuclear physics. In nuclear reactions, the observations of spin polarizations give important clues to the nuclear structures and reaction mechanism. For high energy nuclear physics, the polarized quark-parton distributions of the nucleon/nucleus are studied intensively. In the study of baryon structures and nuclear astrophysics, spin is an important observable through hadron reactions.The focus of these proceedings is on the spin-dependent phenomena in nuclear and hadronic reactions and related topics in...
Spin physics is one of the most important and active areas of theoretical/experimental nuclear physics. In nuclear reactions, the observations of spin...