This is a story of adventure and mystery that takes place 700 years from now. Tanei, a fogeign student from East Africa, and her fellow students at the University of Great Falls attempt to find the origin of a small gold coin, so that they can find additional artifacts to help them learn why our current civilization collapsed. As they search for the old and seemingly homeless woman who found the coin and then sold it, they are drawn into a dark and dangerous world. The Great Falls of the future is a city of 500,000 people that was destroyed by war and then rebuilt twice in the distant past....
This is a story of adventure and mystery that takes place 700 years from now. Tanei, a fogeign student from East Africa, and her fellow students at th...
This is a story of adventure and mystery that takes place 700 years from now. Tanei, a fogeign student from East Africa, and her fellow students at the University of Great Falls attempt to find the origin of a small gold coin, so that they can find additional artifacts to help them learn why our current civilization collapsed. As they search for the old and seemingly homeless woman who found the coin and then sold it, they are drawn into a dark and dangerous world. The Great Falls of the future is a city of 500,000 people that was destroyed by war and then rebuilt twice in the distant past....
This is a story of adventure and mystery that takes place 700 years from now. Tanei, a fogeign student from East Africa, and her fellow students at th...