As in any good fairytale, the hero must endure an awful lot before happiness and balance occur. The same applies to adults with Crystal Energy in their consciousness, because they are facing a long Crystallization Journey that aims to carry their Spiritual Energy into the visible sphere of their aura, body and personal network, which is what The Crystal Human and the Crystallization Process Part I and Part II are about. The books are timely, practical, down-to-earth guides for understanding the consciousness lift that many people are experiencing in the years around 2012. Timely - because...
As in any good fairytale, the hero must endure an awful lot before happiness and balance occur. The same applies to adults with Crystal Energy in thei...
Nous passons la plupart de notre temps avec des gens agreables et heureux, les gens que nous aimons et que nous voulons soutenir du mieux que nous pouvons. Cependant, de temps en temps, nous rencontrons des gens qui ne sont pas forcement bons pour nous. Ces gens-la essaient d'acceder a notre energie de plusieurs facons et nous devons nous en mefier. Nous devons prendre grand soin de notre propre energie car c'est cela que veulent recuperer, de maniere inconsciente, ces personnes-la. Ce petit guide de poche vous apprendra comment y parvenir. Si vous lisez ce livre et en suivez les...
Nous passons la plupart de notre temps avec des gens agreables et heureux, les gens que nous aimons et que nous voulons soutenir du mieux que nous pou...
This Energy Self-Defense guide is written for Women only. With the tools and insights in this guide, you will learn how to protect yourself and your energy in all kinds of situations. You will learn how to handle energy thieves so that you will never lose your personal energy again or feel drained when being with certain people.
This Energy Self-Defense guide is written for Women only. With the tools and insights in this guide, you will learn how to protect yourself and your ...
Learn how to protect and take back your energy before, during and after an illness. The energy tools that we share with you can be used by anyone at any time for the benefit of yourself, or for the benefit of sick people who you want to help recover and get back to life after the life force in their physical body has been heavily compromised.
Learn how to protect and take back your energy before, during and after an illness. The energy tools that we share with you can be used by anyone at...