An alternate future? An insecure past? Another present made of dense woodlands and waterways ... or of streets and buildings and crowds? Are its populations living beside one another in a welter of frequencies or wavelengths not generally experienced in Place and Time? What is FIVE POINTS AKROPOLIS? A particular place called Five Points Akropolis -- This is what Anno Domine 1769, 1900 A.D., and 2017 CE have in common. But what influence does the dwarf-wanderer Pluto have on its fortunes? One of many characters, Willie the grave-digger would like to know, and too Gregoff the Grak. So would...
An alternate future? An insecure past? Another present made of dense woodlands and waterways ... or of streets and buildings and crowds? Are its popul...
S. Dorman began Maine Metaphor with The Green and Blue House. She continued her explorations in the Western Mountains of Maine, studying Maines characteristic ways and natural realm, possessing the experience, studies, and journaling of rural life and creation. And she wanted to learn about the character of the people who sometimes must live a hardscrabble life. Her quest began thirty some years ago merely in living the life on moving to Maine with her family. This state of New England, once a District of Massachusetts, greatly appealed to her for its peculiar beauty and quiet, but also for...
S. Dorman began Maine Metaphor with The Green and Blue House. She continued her explorations in the Western Mountains of Maine, studying Maines charac...