Contains the complete statistics for all of the matches played by the national football teams of Albania, Andorra, Azerbaijan, Austria, Belarus & Belgium from the first game played through to the end of the 2015 calendar year. Featuring comprehensive records of the date, venue, referee & attendance, plus individual player information as well.
Contains the complete statistics for all of the matches played by the national football teams of Albania, Andorra, Azerbaijan, Austria, Belarus & Belg...
Covering all 55 UEFA member countries, this is a statistical yearbook of both domestic & International football during the 2018-19 season. In addition to full line-ups & stats for International games it contains detailed information of games played in the top divisions of each country, final tables and much more.
Covering all 55 UEFA member countries, this is a statistical yearbook of both domestic & International football during the 2018-19 season. In addition...
Contains the complete statistics of all of the matches played by the national football teams of Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine & Wales from the first game played through to the end of the 2019 calendar year. For each A national team game it also shows the date, venue, referee & attendance plus player information and more.
Contains the complete statistics of all of the matches played by the national football teams of Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine & Wales from the ...
The 3rd edition covers both domestic & international football in Europe during the 2019/20 season. Includes complete stats for the international matches played by all 55 UEFA members plus player information too. Final League tables, cup information and much other data fill this huge book.
The 3rd edition covers both domestic & international football in Europe during the 2019/20 season. Includes complete stats for the international match...