Hare loved his wife and children and would do anything for them. But when it came for others he was inconsiderate, selfish and uncooperative. When Africa animal kingdom was threatened with draught and hunger, animals pulled together to survive. Hare would not get involved. Eventually the kingdom was enjoying rewards for hard work. Hare did everything possible to enjoy the rewards too. Little did he know that the full fury of other animals would result in the beginning of terrible consequences for the kingdom.
Hare loved his wife and children and would do anything for them. But when it came for others he was inconsiderate, selfish and uncooperative. When Afr...
Tired of being hunted by meat eaters, Hare decided on a plan. The idea was to design a way in which his enemies would not only fail to get to him but also shock them on how he was able to evade them. Hare recruited three of his trusted friends. The execution of the plan required precision planning. It was a serious undertaking, brutal and traumatic but also equally very funny. The result would change relationship between animals in the African animal kingdom. Life of four kingdom dwellers would change forever.
Tired of being hunted by meat eaters, Hare decided on a plan. The idea was to design a way in which his enemies would not only fail to get to him but ...