Judy Bartkowiak has combined working in a wide variety of jobs with bringing up four children and believes that the most important attributes mums need are; self belief; outcome thinking; flexibility; positivity; the ability to prioritise. These skills are covered in this book along with plenty of different ideas of paid work that you can combine with having a family and having the time to enjoy them.
Judy Bartkowiak has combined working in a wide variety of jobs with bringing up four children and believes that the most important attributes mums nee...
Aimeriez-vous... etre confiant; savoir dire non en vous sentant a l'aise; connaitre les choix possibles; etre calme, maitre de la situation et oriente vers des solutions; tout en apprenant des techniques formidables a transmettre a vos enfants ? Dans ce cas, ce livre est surement pour VOUS."
Aimeriez-vous... etre confiant; savoir dire non en vous sentant a l'aise; connaitre les choix possibles; etre calme, maitre de la situation et oriente...
Brand Licensing is the most exciting and inspiring element of the marketing mix, reaching all of us in every product sector from clothing, food, giftware, household, music and publishing to stationery and toys. Brand Licenses can come from a fantastic variety of backgrounds including the arts, design, entertainment, celebrities, online and sport. Whether you are a brand owner looking to license out your brand or a manufacturer thinking of buying into a license, getting it RIGHT has never been so important. Secrets of $uccess in Brand Licensing is written by Brand Licensing Industry experts,...
Brand Licensing is the most exciting and inspiring element of the marketing mix, reaching all of us in every product sector from clothing, food, giftw...
Chinese Language Version - Brand Licensing is the most exciting and inspiring element of the marketing mix, reaching all of us in every product sector from clothing, food, giftware, household, music and publishing to stationery and toys. Brand Licenses can come from a fantastic variety of backgrounds including the arts, design, entertainment, celebrities, online and sport. Whether you are a brand owner looking to license out your brand or a manufacturer thinking of buying into a license, getting it RIGHT has never been so important. Secrets of $uccess in Brand Licensing is written by Brand...
Chinese Language Version - Brand Licensing is the most exciting and inspiring element of the marketing mix, reaching all of us in every product sector...
Todos deseamos que nuestros hijos crezcan en un mundo seguro y feliz donde puedan aprender y crecer, hacer amigos y vivir sin preocupaciones. Si solo puediera ser verdad para todos nuestros hijos. Por desgracia experimentan cambios a los que les resulta dificil adaptarse, presiones duras de soportar y tristeza que no podemos hacer desparecer por arte de magia con un abrazo. He escrito este libro para que lo trabajes con tu hijo o hija de 5 a 11 anos. Este libro les ensenara sobre la Autoestima, Fijar objetivos, Controlar su humor, Sobrellevar las criticas, Adaptarse a los cambios, Sobrellevar...
Todos deseamos que nuestros hijos crezcan en un mundo seguro y feliz donde puedan aprender y crecer, hacer amigos y vivir sin preocupaciones. Si solo ...