AD367: Britannia. The Southern Provinces are shaken by the most ferocious barbarian invasion in living memory. Marius, youngest member of the Corinium council, is caught in a web of intrigue when it transpires that the traitor masterminding the barbarian alliance is his parents' murderer, the feared and hated Imperial Notary, Paulus Catena - The Chain... Narrowly escaping death in a bloody skirmish with an Irish war band, Marius is forced to undertake a hazardous journey to the mysterious Isle of Mona in a desperate gamble to destroy the alliance. He is accompanied by the fugitive slave and...
AD367: Britannia. The Southern Provinces are shaken by the most ferocious barbarian invasion in living memory. Marius, youngest member of the Corinium...
God's Love Affair (John 3:16) Detailed look at this verse relating to God's passionate love for us from a phrase by phrase perspective to portray that love to us. "For God"; Origin of His love -- "So Loved"; Fact -- "The World"; Object -- "That He Gave"; Act -- "His Only Begotten Son"; Gift -- "That Whosoever"; Scope -- "Believeth in Him"; Message -- "Should Not Perish"; Protection -- "But Have Everlasting Life"; Consequences
God's Love Affair (John 3:16) Detailed look at this verse relating to God's passionate love for us from a phrase by phrase perspective to portray that...