The newest addition to the wildly successful Big Fat Notebook series, with 3.99 million copies in print: a lively, information-packed, and fully illustrated guide to Computer Science and Coding for upper middle-grade readers.
The newest addition to the wildly successful Big Fat Notebook series, with 3.99 million copies in print: a lively, information-packed, and fully illus...
Everything You Need to Ace Math . . . covers everything to get a student over any maths hump: fractions, decimals, and how to multiply and divide them; ratios, proportions, and percentages; geometry; statistics and probability; expressions and equations; and the coordinate plane and functions.
Everything You Need to Ace Math . . . covers everything to get a student over any maths hump: fractions, decimals, and how to multiply and divide them...
Everything You Need to Ace Science . . . takes readers from scientific investigation and the engineering design process to the Periodic Table; forces and motion; forms of energy; outer space and the solar system; to earth sciences, biology, body systems, ecology, and more.
Everything You Need to Ace Science . . . takes readers from scientific investigation and the engineering design process to the Periodic Table; forces ...