A growing trend in K-12 education is the development of the cyberschool, a full time online learning program and the virtual school, a supplementary online learning program. These campuses replace brick and mortar classrooms with evolving practices of interactive technology. The greatest obstacle to the development of online learning is finding agreement on funding formulas. The purpose of this study was to examine per pupil costs for operating cyberschools and virtual schools and to compare those costs with traditional brick and mortar schools. The study found that in every state in fiscal...
A growing trend in K-12 education is the development of the cyberschool, a full time online learning program and the virtual school, a supplementary o...
Both France and Texas want to be at the center of the emerging Knowledge Economy. Building infrastructure for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is usually isolated in specific regions of global settings. This scenario applies in two case studies, The French Grand Plan for Digital Education and the Texas Long Range Technology Plan. The educational technology plans for the US are contrasted with those of the EU. Both plans aim at advancing the Knowledge Triangle through investment in education, research and innovation.
Both France and Texas want to be at the center of the emerging Knowledge Economy. Building infrastructure for Information and Communication Technologi...