The ECOOP '91 Workshop on Object-Based Concurrent Computingwas organized toprovide a forum on concurrent, distributedand open-ended computing. The emphasis was on conceptual, theoretical and formal aspects, as well as practical aspectsand sound experience, since such a viewpoint was deemedindispensible to investigate and establish a basis forfuture development. This volume contains 12 papers selected from 25 presented atthe workshop, together with a paper by J. A. Goguen, who wasan invited speaker at the workshop. The papers areclassified into four categories: Formal methods (1): three papers...
The ECOOP '91 Workshop on Object-Based Concurrent Computingwas organized toprovide a forum on concurrent, distributedand open-ended computing. The emp...
Component-based software development is the next step after object-oriented programmingthatpromisesto reducecomplexityandimprovereusability.These advantages have also been identi?ed by the industry, and consequently, over the past years, a large number of component-based techniques and processes have been adopted in many of these organizations. A visible result of this is the number ofcomponentmodels thathavebeendevelopedandstandardized.These models de?ne how individual software components interact with each other and simplify the design process of software systems by allowing developers to...
Component-based software development is the next step after object-oriented programmingthatpromisesto reducecomplexityandimprovereusability.These adva...
Pharo is a modern open-source development environment for the classic Smalltalk-80 programming language. This book, intended for both students and developers, will guide you gently through the language and tools by means of a series of examples and exercises. We are making this book available to you under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license. You can either download the PDF for free from, or you can buy a softcover copy from (You can also pay for the PDF download from, if you would like to make a contribution to this effort.) Additional...
Pharo is a modern open-source development environment for the classic Smalltalk-80 programming language. This book, intended for both students and dev...