Knowledge management processes, taken from the process capability view, enable employees to create, capture, share and leverage their collective knowledge to improve performance, and thereby add value to the organizations intellectual capital and performance. Indeed, knowledge management is not a product that can be bought but rather a capability that is built over time and become translated into intellectual capital. As such, interactions among KM processes contribute significantly to the creation of IC. IC value increases as a result of knowledge flows among human capital, structural...
Knowledge management processes, taken from the process capability view, enable employees to create, capture, share and leverage their collective knowl...
The combination of organizational resources and capabilities needs to be developed, deployed and protected in order to enhance organizational performance. The performance among organizations differs as a result of their different knowledge bases and differing capabilities in developing and deploying organizational knowledge. The attention is focused on the implicit knowledge and skills required to co-ordinate heterogeneous resources in distinct, organization-specific resource bundles in such a way that current capabilities are leveraged and new capabilities are created. The development of a...
The combination of organizational resources and capabilities needs to be developed, deployed and protected in order to enhance organizational performa...