The main aim of this book is to teach the computer programming logic, which is the fundamental necessity for programming. A person can become a good programmer if he or she has learned the logic of computer programming. Computer programming is not a career that can be learned in a college, university, or by reading about programming. The only way to become a good programmer is to sit down in-front of a computer and write programs. The fundamental concepts learned from books should be expanded, more complex examples should be tried, and you should attempt to extend your limits so that the...
The main aim of this book is to teach the computer programming logic, which is the fundamental necessity for programming. A person can become a good ...
The development of collaborative studies in learning has led to a renewed interest in the field of web-based education. This book describes the development of a highly interactive and collaborative virtual teaching environment by supporting the Moodle together with two types of collaborative learning tools to create a virtual learning environment to teach programming languages. The main aim of this book was to find out the effectiveness of an ACLT during the teaching of programming languages in a web-based environment. The NEU-VLE system has been developed for this purpose. The important...
The development of collaborative studies in learning has led to a renewed interest in the field of web-based education. This book describes the develo...