The Book's Usefulness. It is our hope and prayer that this book might be used of the Lord to convince and encourage even further those who are concerned about music in their churches. It will equip the reader with important facts to enable them to warn others of the Christian Contemporay Music (CCM) dangers before this music completely transforms their church for the worse.
The Book's Usefulness. It is our hope and prayer that this book might be used of the Lord to convince and encourage even further those who are concern...
We're living in a day and time when a proper understanding of the Authorized (King James) Version (AV) is missing. What greater defender of our Authorized Version to call upon but Dean John William Burgon, the Dean of Chichester in England. Dean Burgon was a Bible-believing scholar who was contemporary (and of the same denomination) with the two leading non-Bible-believing apostates, Bishop Westcott and Professor Hort. The views of these two leaders have been followed by many anti-KJB opponents of our day, including many theological conservatives. Dr. Bennett's quotations are presented in the...
We're living in a day and time when a proper understanding of the Authorized (King James) Version (AV) is missing. What greater defender of our Author...
Dr. David C. Bennett was with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) as a missionary to Australia for many years until he made the change in 1994. His convictions on the King James Bible and the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Words that underlie it, as well as his convictions on the teachings of Biblical separation led him to leave that mission which was heading in an unBiblical direction in all of these areas. This book explains the reasons he made significant changes in his ministry. He, and his wife, Pamela, have continued in their missionary ministry in Australia.
Dr. David C. Bennett was with the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) as a missionary to Australia for many years until he made the ch...