The rich and prosperous town of Whisper Falls is plagued by an unknown killer that seeks to destroy its wealthy inhabitants. Allen Rice, a resident of the neighboring town called Cinder Grove purchased a diamond ring at the annual town auction for his fiancee Susan Archer. Soon after, he is haunted by terrifying nightmares of an unknown world after running into the spirit of a mysterious girl walking along the town's back road. While driving along the town's treacherous snow covered roads one night; he finds himself being the victim of a horrible car accident. After he crawls out of the...
The rich and prosperous town of Whisper Falls is plagued by an unknown killer that seeks to destroy its wealthy inhabitants. Allen Rice, a resident of...
The rich and prosperous town of Whisper Falls is plagued by an unknown killer that seeks to destroy its wealthy inhabitants. Allen Rice, a resident of the neighboring town called Cinder Grove purchased a diamond ring at the annual town auction for his fiancee Susan Archer. Soon after, he is haunted by terrifying nightmares of an unknown world after running into the spirit of a mysterious girl walking along the town's back road. While driving along the town's treacherous snow covered roads one night; he finds himself being the victim of a horrible car accident. After he crawls out of the...
The rich and prosperous town of Whisper Falls is plagued by an unknown killer that seeks to destroy its wealthy inhabitants. Allen Rice, a resident of...