In this sequel to Young Lions, three British teenagers - Alan, Sam and Alice - continue to valiantly resist the Nazis and the British Fascists. A Spanish Civil War vendetta spills blood onto the streets of Hereward. Alan and Sam discover that Paul Mason has survived the St. George's Day Massacre. The Resistance attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler and Alice is kidnapped by the S.S. Alan joins the Blackshirts and tries to sabotage the German invasion of Scotland. Young Lions Roar is the second book in the Young Lions series and is a fast paced, gritty war novel set in an alternative history of...
In this sequel to Young Lions, three British teenagers - Alan, Sam and Alice - continue to valiantly resist the Nazis and the British Fascists. A Span...
In Their Shoes - The Teacher (Fiction / Satire) (Book 1) Rachel was one of the high school's best teachers and got on well with everyone. The kids got good grades and everyone liked her. Recently she had become increasingly ambivalent toward the profession and felt she was going nowhere. Her managers were grinding her down. The students began to irritate her with their juvenile behaviour. The needlessly excessive paperwork, marking and time-consuming training sessions were starting to make Rachel wonder if she should just leave and pursue her dreams. Then fresh-faced and eager journalist Joy...
In Their Shoes - The Teacher (Fiction / Satire) (Book 1) Rachel was one of the high school's best teachers and got on well with everyone. The kids got...
(Fiction - British Humour/Satire/Suspense) From the back cover: How far would you to go get a good story? Well-known Russian Supermodel, Oksana Volkov, scratched and clawed her way to the top of London's most notable fashion runways. Highly sought-after and ruthless, the Russian diva is under no illusion that her career is threatened by far younger models emerging onto the scene. Armed with a brash disposition and a bitter resolve to end her career on a strong note, Oksana readies herself to face the crowds of the hottest fashion event in London - The...
(Fiction - British Humour/Satire/Suspense) From the back cover: How far would you to go get a good story? Well-known Russian Sup...