ADHD has three outcomes. About a third of children, (children because it is a condition that starts in childhood) outgrows it largely, especially the hyperactive part (though hyperactive children my turn into restless adults) Another third learns to adjust and cope with the condition, and a third needs ongoing treatment. This book is primarily for the middle group, who will be motivated and learn how to adjust and overcome. It starts with teenagers (Part one), the transition period, (part two), and adults (part three)
ADHD has three outcomes. About a third of children, (children because it is a condition that starts in childhood) outgrows it largely, especially the ...
As a paediatrician, the author assisted with many difficult births, supported the development of the babies and treated them when they became sick, or were harmed by the negligence and inconsiderate actions of adults. In THE WONDER OF THE NEW BIRTH he describes the similarities between natural and Spiritual birth and development. Just as a child may fail to thrive if not properly fed, or be harmed by unwholesome substances from which he should have been protected, Spiritual malnutrition and poisoning are ever-present dangers to those starved of the Word of God or exposed to unGodly spiritual...
As a paediatrician, the author assisted with many difficult births, supported the development of the babies and treated them when they became sick, or...
As 'n kinderarts, het die skrywer by baie moeilike geboortes bygestaan, die ontwikkeling van babas ondersteun en hulle behandel toe hulle siek, ondervoed of benadeel was deur die nalatigheid en die onnadenkende optrede van volwassenes. In DIE WONDER VAN DIE NUWE GEBOORTE beskrywe hy die ooreenkomste tussen die natuurlike geboorte en die Geestelike geboorte en ontwikkeling. Net soos 'n kind nie normaal kan ontwikkel as hy/sy nie behoorlik gevoed word nie, of benadeel word deur ongesonde substansies waarteen hy/sy beskerm moes word, is Geestelike ondervoeding en vergiftiging alomteenwoordige...
As 'n kinderarts, het die skrywer by baie moeilike geboortes bygestaan, die ontwikkeling van babas ondersteun en hulle behandel toe hulle siek, onderv...