Depressed by his hollow existence, thirty-four-year-old Otto Matthias travels to the Peruvian Amazon to participate in a ceremony of Ayahuasca, a spiritual medicine that indigenous people have used to heal and learn for millennia and among the most potent hallucinogens on the planet. They say it opens doors to the spirit world.
Matthias does not believe in such things when he embarks on his journey, but what he experiences in the jungle shatters the illusions of his reality. It changes his life. In this memoir, Matthias recounts his journey from Vancouver to Iquitos at the edge of the...
Depressed by his hollow existence, thirty-four-year-old Otto Matthias travels to the Peruvian Amazon to participate in a ceremony of Ayahuasca, a spir...
Depressed by his hollow existence, thirty-four-year-old Otto Matthias travels to the Peruvian Amazon to participate in a ceremony of Ayahuasca, a spiritual medicine that indigenous people have used to heal and learn for millennia and among the most potent hallucinogens on the planet. They say it opens doors to the spirit world.
Matthias does not believe in such things when he embarks on his journey, but what he experiences in the jungle shatters the illusions of his reality. It changes his life. In this memoir, Matthias recounts his journey from Vancouver to Iquitos at the edge of the...
Depressed by his hollow existence, thirty-four-year-old Otto Matthias travels to the Peruvian Amazon to participate in a ceremony of Ayahuasca, a spir...