Scarlet Point's raid in Iowa In March 1857, after a particularly severe winter, a band of fourteen starving, renegade Wahpekute Santee Sioux led by Scarlet Point (Inkpaduta) descended on the settlements scattered along the north western Iowa frontier close to the Minnesota border. The Indians were desperate for food and, furthermore, sought revenge for outrages perpetrated against them by white settlers-including the murder of Scarlet Point's brother and his family. The killing spree that followed cost the lives of 35-40 settlers who were isolated on their own land holdings. At Spirit...
Scarlet Point's raid in Iowa In March 1857, after a particularly severe winter, a band of fourteen starving, renegade Wahpekute Santee Sioux led ...
Scarlet Point's raid in Iowa In March 1857, after a particularly severe winter, a band of fourteen starving, renegade Wahpekute Santee Sioux led by Scarlet Point (Inkpaduta) descended on the settlements scattered along the north western Iowa frontier close to the Minnesota border. The Indians were desperate for food and, furthermore, sought revenge for outrages perpetrated against them by white settlers-including the murder of Scarlet Point's brother and his family. The killing spree that followed cost the lives of 35-40 settlers who were isolated on their own land holdings. At Spirit...
Scarlet Point's raid in Iowa In March 1857, after a particularly severe winter, a band of fourteen starving, renegade Wahpekute Santee Sioux led ...