PARTYTRAP describes the intersecting lives of a Hippie Baby Boomer and an extraterrestrial anthropologist. Nuland Veuid arrives from a Utopian culture two billion years more advanced than our own with the objective of learning about Earth culture by following the life of a single specimen. He criticizes all of the major institutions of Earth and the life choices of his subject. Eventually he perceives the imminence of an ecological catastrophe, and although he becomes famous within his own culture for lifting anthropology from a descriptive to a predictive science, he faces an ethical dilemma...
PARTYTRAP describes the intersecting lives of a Hippie Baby Boomer and an extraterrestrial anthropologist. Nuland Veuid arrives from a Utopian culture...
PARTYTRAP describes the intersecting lives of a Hippie Baby Boomer and an extraterrestrial anthropologist. Nuland Veuid arrives from a Utopian culture two billion years more advanced than our own with the objective of learning about Earth culture by following the life of a single specimen. He criticizes all of the major institutions of Earth and the life choices of his subject. Eventually he perceives the imminence of an ecological catastrophe, and although he becomes famous within his own culture for lifting anthropology from a descriptive to a predictive science, he faces an ethical dilemma...
PARTYTRAP describes the intersecting lives of a Hippie Baby Boomer and an extraterrestrial anthropologist. Nuland Veuid arrives from a Utopian culture...