El libro orienta al aprendizaje de la conducta adecuada del capital humano en organizaciones, el ejemplar lo deben utilizar todas aquellas personas que posean un cargo, ya sea en gerencias o jefaturas en una organizacion empresarial, pero tambien esta orientado al desarrollo personal. Es una edicion mejorada del 2011
El libro orienta al aprendizaje de la conducta adecuada del capital humano en organizaciones, el ejemplar lo deben utilizar todas aquellas personas qu...
Aprende Espanol de una forma muy practica y concisa. El libro contiene textos y ejercicios, contruccion de frases y explica la gramatica en forma clara y a mena. (Third improved edition) The target this book is that tourists and students can communicate with nationals citizen in free way, without needing to hire a translator. But there are other reasons why you should learn languages, for example, today; the universities provide their students exchanges of pre-and post grades in abroad. Grammar is explained in English.
Aprende Espanol de una forma muy practica y concisa. El libro contiene textos y ejercicios, contruccion de frases y explica la gramatica en forma clar...
German language for English speakers, text book and exercises in elementary and middle level. This book explains the most important grammar rules. The book's author is convinced that if you use your healthy logic you will be able to learn German without troubles . The main mision of this book is to explain the German grammar rules, step by step. The most important thing is that the student will get a strong foundation in this the language. Cause this language is quite logical, that means if it is changed a little the grammatical structure, the people will not be able to understand what you...
German language for English speakers, text book and exercises in elementary and middle level. This book explains the most important grammar rules. The...