In his book "Ramses II and His Time", Immanuel Velikovsky continues his reconstruction of ancient history. This volume covers the best-known of old Egypts pharaohs, Ramses II. Velikovsky points out how little we know about this famous ruler. His revised chronology places Ramses II firmly into the 7th century B.C. and not, as we have been led to believe, hundreds of years earlier in the 13th century B.C.. Ramses IIs adversary was thus none other than Nebuchadnezzar. We are made privy to fascinating personal details about this great Chaldean ruler, whose autobiography Velikovsky was able to...
In his book "Ramses II and His Time", Immanuel Velikovsky continues his reconstruction of ancient history. This volume covers the best-known of old Eg...
Nasz wiat podlega wielkim kataklizmom, a zmiany nie nast powa y wy cznie w wyniku powolnej ewolucji. Ziemia przesz a wiele wstrz sow w czasie zbli e z innymi planetami, a mia o to miejsce W CZASACH HISTORYCZNYCH. Pozosta o wiele ladow materialnych i zapiskow staro ytnych ludow, ktore opisuj te zdarzenia. Ziemi niszczy y huragany, ogie, potopy, zmienia a si jej orbita, a z ni pory roku oraz d ugo miesi cy i lat. Zdarzenia opisane w staro ytnych ksi gach - plagi egipskie, manna z nieba, rozdzielenie morza itp., zdarzy y si naprawd i nie ograniczy y do jednego tylko, ma ego obszaru Ziemi....
Nasz wiat podlega wielkim kataklizmom, a zmiany nie nast powa y wy cznie w wyniku powolnej ewolucji. Ziemia przesz a wiele wstrz sow w czasie zbl...
"Peoples of the Sea" is, in some sense, the culmination of the series "Ages in Chaos." In this volume the erroneous time shift of classical history reaches its maximum span - 800 years! With carefully documented evidence and indisputable arguments, Velikovsky places Ramses III firmly into the 4th century B.C. thereby solving, once and for all, numerous conundrums that historians had been confronted with in the past. He unveils the surprising identity of the so-called "Peoples of the Sea", clarifies the role of the Philistines and solves the enigma of the Dynasty of Priests. This volume...
"Peoples of the Sea" is, in some sense, the culmination of the series "Ages in Chaos." In this volume the erroneous time shift of classical history re...