Joy at the End of the Tether: The Inscrutable Wisdom of Ecclesiastes 'In this lively reading of Ecclesiastes, Doug Wilson reveals its powerful lessons of vanity, joy, celebration, and the sovereignty of God. This is a great book, so we can't figure out why it hasn't sold better--especially since it was Doug's favorite to write. "Most Christians view the book of Ecclesiastes as an enigma, a puzzle from which we might draw a few aphorisms but little else. Douglas Wilson's fresh, lucid treatment of this wonderful book enables us to see that its message is not a confused riddle but an incisive...
Joy at the End of the Tether: The Inscrutable Wisdom of Ecclesiastes 'In this lively reading of Ecclesiastes, Doug Wilson reveals its powerful lessons...
The issue of baptism operates against the backdrop of the divine promises to Christian parents. Only after we understand parenthood can we properly turn to a discussion of baptism. This book aims to offer a fresh approach. In a doctrinal matter of this importance, the standards of evidence are high. In arguing for biblical infant baptism, it is not sufficient for us to say that infant baptism is merely consistent with the Scriptures, or that a biblical case can be made for it. In order for us to be satisfied that we are being biblical Christians, we must be content with nothing less than a...
The issue of baptism operates against the backdrop of the divine promises to Christian parents. Only after we understand parenthood can we properly tu...