This story begins in Colma, California. Colma is a small town south of San Francisco, California. There were many adventures, which took a diamentrically opposite course of action My life was surrounded with ups and downs. My story becomes a living nighmare for me the flasback's became more terrifying and the nightmares came more realistic. The story will mystify you It will become more confusing, with all the bizarre endings. Two girl friends died, one was murdered When I was a rookie police officer, I was inadvertently involved with a serial killer Two years later, from 1972 to 1975, I...
This story begins in Colma, California. Colma is a small town south of San Francisco, California. There were many adventures, which took a diamentrica...
This story begins in Colma, California. Colma is a small town south of San Francisco, California. There were many adventures, which took a diamentrically opposite course of action My life was surrounded with ups and downs. My story becomes a living nighmare for me the flasback's became more terrifying and the nightmares came more realistic. The story will mystify you It will become more confusing, with all the bizarre endings. Two girl friends died, one was murdered When I was a rookie police officer, I was inadvertently involved with a serial killer Two years later, from 1972 to 1975, I...
This story begins in Colma, California. Colma is a small town south of San Francisco, California. There were many adventures, which took a diamentrica...