In the year 1609 a hand full of sturdy sailors watched with amazement the shores they were approaching. Their ship, the Halve Maen, came from The Netherlands. Amsterdam, their place of origin, was the world's commercial center. The captain of the ship was named Henry Hudson, he was British. The ship was small, it had a crew of only 16 men. Some 15 years later a few clever businessmen from Amsterdam established a permanent basis at the mouth of the Hudson River: New Amsterdam.
In the year 1609 a hand full of sturdy sailors watched with amazement the shores they were approaching. Their ship, the Halve Maen, came from The Neth...
De voordelen van de euro, de Hoge Snelheidslijn, de Betuwe Lijn, de JSF, de Fyra, etc. het zijn allemaal voorbeelden van zaken waarbij onze overheid de zaken veel rooskleuriger voorstelde dan in werkelijkheid het geval was. Waarom goochelen ze met cijfers en liegt men ons iedere keer voor? Weet men niet beter of doet men dit met opzet? Het is een grote puinhoop. Er is iets fundamenteel mis met de manier waarop onze overheid te werk gaat. We zitten nu al op een percentage allochtonen in onze bevolking dat hoger is dan toen de Vlamingen in 1600 en masse naar de Noordelijke Nederlanden...
De voordelen van de euro, de Hoge Snelheidslijn, de Betuwe Lijn, de JSF, de Fyra, etc. het zijn allemaal voorbeelden van zaken waarbij onze overheid d...
On 28 December 2014 an Airbus A320-216 aircraft registered as PK-AXC was cruising at 32,000 feet on a flight from Juanda Airport, Surabaya, Indonesia to Changi Airport, Singapore with total occupants of 162 persons. The Pilot in Command (PIC) acted as Pilot Monitoring (PM) and the Second in Command (SIC) acted as Pilot Flying (PF). The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) recorded that many master cautions activated following the failure of the Rudder Travel Limiter which triggered Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM) message of AUTO FLT RUD TRV LIM SYS. The crew tried repeatedly to reset...
On 28 December 2014 an Airbus A320-216 aircraft registered as PK-AXC was cruising at 32,000 feet on a flight from Juanda Airport, Surabaya, Indonesia ...