*The Top 5 Bestseller* The new chilling and captivating novel from the bestselling author of Richard & Judy pick The Secrets Between Us. When Edie’s mother-in-law, Anna DeLuca, dies, she is relieved. Edie blames Anna for the accident that destroyed her family. So, when her will lures Edie to Sicily and the long-abandoned Villa della Madonna del Mare, she sees through Anna’s games. Suspecting Anna is meddling from beyond the grave to try to reunite her and her ex-husband Joe, Edie is determined to leave Italy as soon as possible. But before she can, the villa starts to shed its...
*The Top 5 Bestseller* The new chilling and captivating novel from the bestselling author of Richard & Judy pick The Secrets Between Us. When Edie’...
Alice Lang was wearing her favourite scarlet dress when she disappeared twenty-five years ago, and her memory still casts a long shadow. In the long, hot summer of 1995, twenty-two-year-old Alice Lang rents a caravan on a holiday park on the outskirts of the lively holiday resort of Severn Sands. She befriends Marnie, a shy, damaged little girl whose father is the park's caretaker and whose mother died a few months earlier. Will, whose mother runs the bar, falls in love with Alice, and is unbearably jealous of anyone else she sees. Tensions rise until one evening Alice disappears from her...
Alice Lang was wearing her favourite scarlet dress when she disappeared twenty-five years ago, and her memory still casts a long shadow. In the long,...
Alice Lang was wearing her favourite scarlet dress when she disappeared twenty-five years ago, and her memory still casts a long shadow. In the long, hot summer of 1995, twenty-two-year-old Alice Lang rents a caravan on a holiday park on the outskirts of the lively holiday resort of Severn Sands. She befriends Marnie, a shy, damaged little girl whose father is the park's caretaker and whose mother died a few months earlier. Will, whose mother runs the bar, falls in love with Alice, and is unbearably jealous of anyone else she sees. Tensions rise until one evening Alice disappears from her...
Alice Lang was wearing her favourite scarlet dress when she disappeared twenty-five years ago, and her memory still casts a long shadow. In the long,...
Alice Lang was wearing her favourite scarlet dress when she disappeared twenty-five years ago, and her memory still casts a long shadow. In the long, hot summer of 1995, twenty-two-year-old Alice Lang rents a caravan on a holiday park on the outskirts of the lively holiday resort of Severn Sands. She befriends Marnie, a shy, damaged little girl whose father is the park's caretaker and whose mother died a few months earlier. Will, whose mother runs the bar, falls in love with Alice, and is unbearably jealous of anyone else she sees. Tensions rise until one evening Alice disappears from her...
Alice Lang was wearing her favourite scarlet dress when she disappeared twenty-five years ago, and her memory still casts a long shadow. In the long,...
*The Top 5 Bestseller* The new chilling and captivating novel from the bestselling author of Richard & Judy pick The Secrets Between Us. When Edie’s mother-in-law, Anna DeLuca, dies, she is relieved. Edie blames Anna for the accident that destroyed her family. So, when her will lures Edie to Sicily and the long-abandoned Villa della Madonna del Mare, she sees through Anna’s games. Suspecting Anna is meddling from beyond the grave to try to reunite her and her ex-husband Joe, Edie is determined to leave Italy as soon as possible. But before she can, the villa starts to shed its...
*The Top 5 Bestseller* The new chilling and captivating novel from the bestselling author of Richard & Judy pick The Secrets Between Us. When Edie’...
Edie se velice uleví, když její bývalá tchyně Anna zemře. Edie Annu viní z nehody, která jí zničila rodinu. Takže když ji Annina poslední vůle vyláká na Sicílii a do dlouho opuštěné Villa della Madonna del Mare, je jí jasné, o co Anně šlo. Má za to, že Anna i po své smrti tahá za nitky, aby ji dala opět dohromady se svým synem. Edie je proto odhodlaná odjet z Itálie co nejdřív. Ale ještě než to stihne, začne vila vydávat svá záhadná tajemství. Kdo jsou ty dívky na Anniných fotkách z dětství a proč někdo jednu z nich vyškrábal? Proč někdo...
Edie se velice uleví, když její bývalá tchyně Anna zemře. Edie Annu viní z nehody, která jí zničila rodinu. Takže když ji Annina posledn...
Pre-order the brand new novel from top 5 bestseller Louise Douglas.A notebook full of secrets, two untimely deaths - something sinister is stirring in the perfect seaside town of Morranez...It's summer and holidaymakers are flocking to the idyllic Brittany coast. But when first an old traveller woman dies in suspicious circumstances, and then a campaign of hate seemingly drives another victim to take his own life, events take a very dark turn. Mila Shepherd has come to France to look after her niece, Ani, following the accident in which both Ani's parents were lost at sea. Mila has moved...
Pre-order the brand new novel from top 5 bestseller Louise Douglas.A notebook full of secrets, two untimely deaths - something sinister is stirring in...
Pre-order the brand new novel from top 5 bestseller Louise Douglas.A notebook full of secrets, two untimely deaths - something sinister is stirring in the perfect seaside town of Morranez...It's summer and holidaymakers are flocking to the idyllic Brittany coast. But when first an old traveller woman dies in suspicious circumstances, and then a campaign of hate seemingly drives another victim to take his own life, events take a very dark turn. Mila Shepherd has come to France to look after her niece, Ani, following the accident in which both Ani's parents were lost at sea. Mila has moved...
Pre-order the brand new novel from top 5 bestseller Louise Douglas.A notebook full of secrets, two untimely deaths - something sinister is stirring in...
Nekonečně dlouhého parného léta roku 1995 si dvaadvacetiletá Alice Langová pronajme karavan na periferii prázdninového kempu v městečku Severn Sands. Spřátelí se s Marnie, stydlivou křehkou dívenkou, jejíž otec pracuje v kempu jako správce, a s Willem, jehož matka v tu vede bar. Jednoho večera ale Alice ze svého karavanu zmizí. Nikde po ní není ani stopy, až na její šarlatové šaty, které se najdou vyvrženy na břehu moře. O čtvrt století později se prázdninový kemp prodá na stavbu nových domů a stavaři na pozemku vykopou lidské kosti. Nepochybně...
Nekonečně dlouhého parného léta roku 1995 si dvaadvacetiletá Alice Langová pronajme karavan na periferii prázdninového kempu v městečku Sev...