Higher education has direct bearing on society for its growth and socio-economic and political development. However, the proliferation of HE institutions, though a proud phase in the economic regeneration of the world, brought in its trail innumerable traits and accountability challenges. The need for ensuring high caliber of educational service is more imminent now than never before since quality of HE falls short of attaining the global-level excellence. Diminishing funding in HE from the governments caused the mushrooming of private institutions across the globe and society bear the brunt...
Higher education has direct bearing on society for its growth and socio-economic and political development. However, the proliferation of HE instituti...
The "lived" curriculum of HIV and AIDS in the school and classroom is a level of inquiry that has suffered the most neglect.. Curriculum planning, designing, implementation and evaluation form the bedrock upon which quality teaching is based. In educational theory and practice, it is argued that the devil is in the details. This points to the idea that there is often a significant gap between one's plan and the actual results obtained upon implementing the plan. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Curriculum planners for HIV and AIDS need theoretical background in order to prepare a clear...
The "lived" curriculum of HIV and AIDS in the school and classroom is a level of inquiry that has suffered the most neglect.. Curriculum planning, des...