A fictional tale full of biblical advice and the description of a growing conflict, true to life, between an evangelizing bible basher and one of his adepts. Among the many things discussed, one is whether or not there will be sex in eternity. This christian bloggish novel is among other things a discussion about what heaven will be like. Will it be like the Muslim's paradise, or like the Christian's heaven? It is interspersed with background events to embellish the story. Also I have interlaced it with my ethical theology to lend backbone to the plot. If you are looking for compelling...
A fictional tale full of biblical advice and the description of a growing conflict, true to life, between an evangelizing bible basher and one of his ...
The present book contains a course to learn the Greek of the New Testament. 42 lessons are given; every 7th lesson is a repetition. Thanks to modern computer programmes we can offer a unique method, as it was possible to order a vast number of data, so as to present them in a useful fashion. An assimilating learning technique is used. That is to say, one is immersed immediately into the Greek of the N.T., also called Koine. At first one learns simple phrases. Later on these become complete sentences. In this way the student gets used to the Greek of the New Testament from the beginning and...
The present book contains a course to learn the Greek of the New Testament. 42 lessons are given; every 7th lesson is a repetition. Thanks to modern c...
The present book contains a course to learn the Greek of the New Testament. 42 lessons are given; every 7th lesson is a repetition. Thanks to modern computer programmes we can offer a unique method, as it was possible to order a vast number of data, so as to present them in a useful fashion. An assimilating learning technique is used. That is to say, one is immersed immediately into the Greek of the N.T., also called Koine. At first one learns simple phrases. Later on these become complete sentences. In this way the student gets used to the Greek of the New Testament from the beginning and...
The present book contains a course to learn the Greek of the New Testament. 42 lessons are given; every 7th lesson is a repetition. Thanks to modern c...
Three christological studies are given here. The first an analysis of Christ's suffering on the cross and point the way between the cliffs of universalism and hypercalvinism; the second against the theology of the Jehovah Witnesses and the third study concerns biblical symbolism and typology in connection with O.T. parallels.
Three christological studies are given here. The first an analysis of Christ's suffering on the cross and point the way between the cliffs of universa...
3 christologische essays over het kruislijden van Christus aan de hand van het O.T. altaar en bijbelse typen en antitypen en symbolisme. Een van deze studies is een geconcentreerd wederwoord tegen het gedachtegoed van de Jehovah Getuigen. De eerste studie weerlegt beide de leer van de alverzoening en het hypercalvinisme.
3 christologische essays over het kruislijden van Christus aan de hand van het O.T. altaar en bijbelse typen en antitypen en symbolisme. Een van deze ...
Een verzameling bijbelteksten uit het Nieuwe Testament, die tezamen de raadgevingen en (in)directe geboden vormen voor de handel en wandel van de christen. De Here Jezus zei dat 'degene die mijn geboden bezit en zich aan ze houdt, die is het die mij liefheeft en degene die mij liefheeft zal het voorwerp van de Liefde van mijn Vader zijn en ik zal hem liefhebben en zal mezelf aan hem openbaren' (Johannes 14: 21). Vandaar dit boek
Een verzameling bijbelteksten uit het Nieuwe Testament, die tezamen de raadgevingen en (in)directe geboden vormen voor de handel en wandel van de chri...
Een verzameling bijbelteksten uit het Nieuwe Testament, die tezamen de raadgevingen en (in)directe geboden vormen voor de handel en wandel van de christen. De Here Jezus zei dat 'degene die mijn geboden bezit en zich aan ze houdt, die is het die mij liefheeft en degene die mij liefheeft zal het voorwerp van de Liefde van mijn Vader zijn en ik zal hem liefhebben en zal mezelf aan hem open-baren' (Johannes 14: 21). Vandaar dit boek
Een verzameling bijbelteksten uit het Nieuwe Testament, die tezamen de raadgevingen en (in)directe geboden vormen voor de handel en wandel van de chri...
This book deals with marital laws in the late Roman empire (4th and 5th centuries). Consanguinity and affinity are central topics. The ancient codices of Theodosius and Justinian are studied, translations improved and the patristic and conciliar background expounded upon. The focal point concerns the laws about marriages between cousins and a man and his sister-in-law on the wife's side.
This book deals with marital laws in the late Roman empire (4th and 5th centuries). Consanguinity and affinity are central topics. The ancient codices...
In this thesis laws concerning consanguinity and affinity in the late Roman empire are studied, along with the relevant and contemporary patristic and conciliar decisions. Mainly laws for marriages between cousins and between a man and his sister-in-law on the wife's side are discussed.
In this thesis laws concerning consanguinity and affinity in the late Roman empire are studied, along with the relevant and contemporary patristic and...