"A mystic is one who has had the experience that the divine Ultimate and the essence of the individual Self are fundamentally one and the same." In his maturity George Fox dictated a vivid account of his profound mystical experience, which transformed him from an unhappy questing youth into a charismatic spiritual giant. Unlike some other mystics he resolved to share his experience with others. This became his life's work, and resulted in establishing the community known today as the Religious Society of Friends or Quakers. He did this by travelling widely, addressing crowds, and by an...
"A mystic is one who has had the experience that the divine Ultimate and the essence of the individual Self are fundamentally one and the same." In hi...
This book helps you find the spiritual treasures that are hidden in the Gospel of Thomas. Everyone finds the sayings of Jesus in it difficult. The reason is simple. It comprises a collection of spiritual sayings from one of the Great Souls of mankind that are beyond the ken of our accustomed thought. These words of Jesus have been recorded and passed down to us without being tampered with or modified by lesser mortals. Its originality makes it self-authenticating. This book will start you on the Gospel. It introduces you to the ancient document itself, how it came to be created and hidden in...
This book helps you find the spiritual treasures that are hidden in the Gospel of Thomas. Everyone finds the sayings of Jesus in it difficult. The rea...
Pegasus was conceived by two of the most inspired computer pioneers, each supported by tiny groups of exceptional colleagues. While in itself it was an outstanding success, its true value lay in its seminal qualities. Thus it was the progenitor of several direct descendants and, more important, created many of the genes that have been inherited by modern computers. The book tells how the first Pegasus was used to establish an enormous variety of new applications, and thus sowed the seeds for the ubiquitous use of computers today. At a time when computing was not a profession, not a science,...
Pegasus was conceived by two of the most inspired computer pioneers, each supported by tiny groups of exceptional colleagues. While in itself it was a...