From a relatively normal American life to a survival situation in moments, this story follows the Drummond family as they learn to adapt to a now, very different community...and world. Beginning on a bitter cold January night, the story begins with a series of earthquakes tearing through the Pacific Northwest....and in the following days the family--and the nation--face challenges from unexpected sources....
From a relatively normal American life to a survival situation in moments, this story follows the Drummond family as they learn to adapt to a now, ver...
Resuming the 'Deep Winter' story after the second book, 'Shatter', Remnant follows the Drummond family into new territory. As a Second Civil War rages, Rick Drummond finds himself amid those who are learning anew, the cost of freedom.
Resuming the 'Deep Winter' story after the second book, 'Shatter', Remnant follows the Drummond family into new territory. As a Second Civil War rages...