Christians assume that they understand the New Testament message - it's simply the story of Christ But Christ is actually the fulfillment of sweeping Old Testament themes. He picked up, in the Gospels, right where the Prophets left off and put the finishing touches to a complex system that started with Creation and Abraham. The Apostles were given a special insight into the true nature of Christ and his work. They were his "interpreters," bringing out the truth about Christ that the Church needs to know. Jesus and the New Testament will give you a new appreciation for the special work that...
Christians assume that they understand the New Testament message - it's simply the story of Christ But Christ is actually the fulfillment of sweeping...
Children have a character trait that few adults appreciate - they will believe anything you tell them For that reason, it's vitally important to teach them as much about Jesus as you can while they are young. They can learn a great deal more than you might imagine. But you need to know enough about Jesus to teach them the right things In Teaching Children About Jesus the emphasis is on you the teacher/parent - first you need to understand who Jesus is, so that you will know the right things to teach your children. Then we will look at the kinds of things that children need to know about...
Children have a character trait that few adults appreciate - they will believe anything you tell them For that reason, it's vitally important to teac...
The works of the Lord surround us. It would take far longer than our short lifetimes to study all of them in depth. He has shown us his vast power and his profound wisdom in what he has done. His works truly teach us what kind of a God we have. The Bible explains the works of the Lord to us. Here we will learn what God has done not only in the physical Creation but what he is doing to set up a spiritual world that will replace the world we live in now. The works of the Lord will only be of use to us if we learn them and remember them in our time of need. That's why the Bible stresses that we...
The works of the Lord surround us. It would take far longer than our short lifetimes to study all of them in depth. He has shown us his vast power and...
Many teachings in the Bible are plain to understand to anybody who reads them. But some stories and concepts can be confusing to the uninitiated - with the result that the student may just get the wrong idea and believe what the Bible definitely does not teach In Knots Untied the author tackles some long-held misconceptions about the Bible. Here you will find discussions on whether Lot was a good man or bad, and whether Christians should tithe, and the truth about Creation, and what happened to the Jewish religion in 70 AD. This requires some careful study of the text - get ready to look...
Many teachings in the Bible are plain to understand to anybody who reads them. But some stories and concepts can be confusing to the uninitiated - wit...
While scientists have been trying to discover how the world came into existence, God's people have had the answer all along - in the Bible In The Bible Explains Creation, the author explores not only what Genesis has to say about Creation but also the entire Bible. You will learn that God's Word is the best possible explanation of God's Creation. A spiritual framework was laid down at the world's beginning that gives us the moral and spiritual foundation that we need to know God and prosper in the world that he made for us. This is a unique study of Creation - from the Bible's point of view ...
While scientists have been trying to discover how the world came into existence, God's people have had the answer all along - in the Bible In The Bib...
Holiness confuses a lot of people, because they tend to confuse it with righteousness. For man, holiness is being God-centered. As we draw close to God, we will find in him our joy and blessing. The culmination of our holiness will come when we know God as Jesus knows him - the highest and most intimate knowledge of God that is possible.
Holiness confuses a lot of people, because they tend to confuse it with righteousness. For man, holiness is being God-centered. As we draw close to Go...