Biologically inspired walking machines are fascinating objects to study, from thepointofviewoftheirmechatronicaldesignaswellastherealisationofc- trol concepts. Research on this subject takes its place in a rapidly growing, highly interdisciplinary ?eld, uniting contributions from areas as diverse as biology, biomechanics, material science, neuroscience, engineering, and c- puter science. Nature has found fascinating solutions for the problem of legged loco- tion, and the mechanisms generating the complex motion patterns performed by animals are still not very well understood. Natural...
Biologically inspired walking machines are fascinating objects to study, from thepointofviewoftheirmechatronicaldesignaswellastherealisationofc- trol ...
Biologically inspired walking machines are fascinating objects to study, from thepointofviewoftheirmechatronicaldesignaswellastherealisationofc- trol concepts. Research on this subject takes its place in a rapidly growing, highly interdisciplinary ?eld, uniting contributions from areas as diverse as biology, biomechanics, material science, neuroscience, engineering, and c- puter science. Nature has found fascinating solutions for the problem of legged loco- tion, and the mechanisms generating the complex motion patterns performed by animals are still not very well understood. Natural...
Biologically inspired walking machines are fascinating objects to study, from thepointofviewoftheirmechatronicaldesignaswellastherealisationofc- trol ...