In an atmosphere of unseen danger Steve Parker faces a hidden enemy that possess occult powers and he finds himself the unwitting contender in a race for global spiritual domination that began nearly a thousand years ago at the time of the crusades. Ancient history is brought screaming into the modern world with startling revelations that question the ambitions of the governments of the western world. The enemy is within and the world population is largely unaware of the desired outcome of their political rulers. The order of the Knights Templar has survived and practices blood-thirsty...
In an atmosphere of unseen danger Steve Parker faces a hidden enemy that possess occult powers and he finds himself the unwitting contender in a race ...
In an atmosphere of unseen danger Steve Parker faces a hidden enemy that possess occult powers and he finds himself the unwitting contender in a race for global spiritual domination that began nearly a thousand years ago at the time of the crusades. Ancient history is brought screaming into the modern world with startling revelations that question the ambitions of the governments of the western world. The enemy is within and the world population is largely unaware of the desired outcome of their political rulers. The order of the Knights Templar has survived and practices blood-thirsty...
In an atmosphere of unseen danger Steve Parker faces a hidden enemy that possess occult powers and he finds himself the unwitting contender in a race ...