Residing in Hawaii, a short-tempered, University professor lives a double life. Though masquerading as a school teacher, her real passion lies in the field, fighting creatures who scour the earth in search of blood. She now embarks on a journey. She will face a cocky vampire with a strange connection to her deceased mother, a sister who thinks the world is out to get her, a new partner with a sordid history, and a man from a past she can't remember. Not to mention the scores of shapeshifters, werewolves, and vampires alike who are bent on her complete and immediate destruction. While facing...
Residing in Hawaii, a short-tempered, University professor lives a double life. Though masquerading as a school teacher, her real passion lies in the ...
Residing in Hawaii, a short-tempered, University professor lives a double life. Though masquerading as a school teacher, her real passion lies in the field, fighting creatures who scour the earth in search of blood. She now embarks on a journey. She will face a cocky vampire with a strange connection to her deceased mother, a sister who thinks the world is out to get her, a new partner with a sordid history, and a man from a past she can't remember. Not to mention the scores of shapeshifters, werewolves, and vampires alike who are bent on her complete and immediate destruction. While facing...
Residing in Hawaii, a short-tempered, University professor lives a double life. Though masquerading as a school teacher, her real passion lies in the ...