A guide to aligning your life with the frequencies of the Nine Waves of Creation - Explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Calendar system and how their holograms shape the human mind - Shows how throughout history each revolution in human consciousness has been driven by the activation of one of the Nine Waves of Creation - Reveals how we can consciously work to deactivate the negative patterns of the Sixth Wave and manifest the unity consciousness of the Ninth Wave In the past few years the world has witnessed changes in social consciousness whose sudden...
A guide to aligning your life with the frequencies of the Nine Waves of Creation - Explains the quantum physics behind the Waves of the Mayan Cale...
An initiatic novel based on ancient teachings and astrological wisdom from bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow • Offers an in-depth experience of alchemical transmutation to cleanse old parts of the psyche and clear space for the shift to 5D through 9D consciousness • Reveals the astrological factors at play behind the multitude of crises hitting the world stage in 2018, 2019, and 2020, including the Covid-19 pandemic • Continues the story from Revelations of the Ruby Crystal and Revelations of the Aquarian Age With the Age of Aquarius dawning, six friends connected by...
An initiatic novel based on ancient teachings and astrological wisdom from bestselling author Barbara Hand Clow • Offers an in-depth experien...