Cuckoo Club is a compelling, epic novel spanning twenty years in the lives of five people with mental and physical health issues. In a readable and accessible manner it addresses grief and suicidality, not to mention anorexia, self-harm, gender-dysphoria, schizophrenia and alcoholism Despite this apparently grim subject matter Cuckoo Club is life-affirming, joyful and funny. It presents strange and...
'Engenderings' is a collection of short and long poems which address the themes of identity across time and space in the context of uncertainty about the meaning of the human condition. The unifying thread running through these poems is an affirmation of what it means to be a person and to have feelings. The transcendent qualities of imagination, kindness and caring for others are given the longest shrift and viewed as shining like shooting stars in an otherwise largely dark universe.
'Engenderings' is a collection of short and long poems which address the themes of identity across time and space in the context of uncertainty about ...