Molly Potter, author of Outside the box, has come up with some wonderfully entertaining activities, which are ideal for off timetable slots during the school day such as 'golden time', 'treats' at the end of term or, in fact, any time when you feel your pupils need a light-hearted break from the curriculum. This photocopiable book is packed with innovative, exciting and unusual activities such as an 'intergalactic beauty contest' 'a noise scavenger hunt' or 'pencil olympics' This photocopiable book is packed with innovative, exciting and unusual activities...
Molly Potter, author of Outside the box, has come up with some wonderfully entertaining activities, which are ideal for off timetable ...
Contains PSHE lessons to inspire teachers and pupils. This book contains activities that aim to help pupils explore their own and other's attitudes, values and beliefs, develop skills (communication/emotional literacy) and consider other PSHE/Citizenship i
Contains PSHE lessons to inspire teachers and pupils. This book contains activities that aim to help pupils explore their own and other's attitudes, v...
Published in association with Kidscape, Anti-Bullying Action contains more than 100 prevention and interventionstrategies to help teachers bringanti-bullying messages into the primary curriculum and classroom. Most ideas require little or noadvance preparation and few or no special materials. The aim is tocreate a school environment where everyone feels safe, accepted andvalued. The ideas and activities are interesting and direct, providingcomprehensive, highly practical suggestions for dealing with allaspects of bullying and bullying prevention. Helps schools to implement DCSF guidance and...
Published in association with Kidscape, Anti-Bullying Action contains more than 100 prevention and interventionstrategies to help teachers bringanti-b...
This book provides innovative prompts that can be used to help pupils develop their imagination and creativity through drama. The activities are fun and engaging and will help pupils to develop confidence with listening and speaking as well as performance. This ties in well with the renewed emphasis in the Primary Framework on developing speaking and listening skills.
Many of the activities are stand alone and can be used for 'one-off' sessions or as part of a planned drama and/or speaking and listening programme. They are excellent an 'ice-breakers' or for...
This book provides innovative prompts that can be used to help pupils develop their imagination and creativity through drama. The activities are fun a...
This photocopiable book is full of innovative, user friendly, exciting and unusual activities that promote creative thinking and problem solving skills in upper KS2.
This photocopiable book is full of innovative, user friendly, exciting and unusual activities that promote creative thinking and problem solving ski...
This photocopiable book is full of innovative, user friendly, exciting and unusual activities that promote creative thinking and problem solving skills for 7-9 year olds.
This photocopiable book is full of innovative, user friendly, exciting and unusual activities that promote creative thinking and problem solving skill...
This book contains thought provoking, fun and unusual ideas to liven up PSHE lessons that will inspire teachers and pupils. Molly's ideas could be used to supplement any existing programme or scheme and they also complement SEAL (the DfES document on Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning).
This book contains thought provoking, fun and unusual ideas to liven up PSHE lessons that will inspire teachers and pupils. Molly's ideas could be use...
This photocopiable book is full of innovative, user friendly, exciting and unusual activities that promote creative thinking and problem solving skills for five to seven year olds.
This photocopiable book is full of innovative, user friendly, exciting and unusual activities that promote creative thinking and problem solving skill...
The activities in this book are ideal for less intensive teaching times across the school year - at the beginning of term when a teacher wants to get to know the class or just when a teacher wants to do 'something different' to make pupils think 'outside the box'.
The activities in this book are ideal for less intensive teaching times across the school year - at the beginning of term when a teacher wants to get ...
Learning times tables causes a constant headache for teachers and parents but it is an essential skill for all primary aged children. Molly Potter has come up with a bank of puzzles, activities and games designed to make learning times tables more palatable! This series aims to make times tables learning fun by including a wide variety of methods tackling the same sums. By giving so many methods for learning the same tables, it also enables teachers to cover them little and often as is deemed best practice.
Learning times tables causes a constant headache for teachers and parents but it is an essential skill for all primary aged children. Molly Potter has...