Besides teaching you to win online auctions, how to buy and sell antiques and collectibles for top dollar, I tell you where to buy a home for under $10,000. with little or zero down. Own your own home in under a year. Isn't that the ultimate in the Great American dreams! Too many people are getting depressed paying a thirty year mortgage on a home they will never own. Why not buy two or three, fix them up, then rent them out? Or sell them for a profit. This is real. And it doesn't cost you hundreds of dollars and/or hours enduring some stupid seminar. You owe it to yourself to get out of the...
Besides teaching you to win online auctions, how to buy and sell antiques and collectibles for top dollar, I tell you where to buy a home for under $1...
Newton was wrong! Gravity is not a force of attraction. But knowing that is only the beginning to understanding our universe! Among other things in this book, Mr. Atkins gives us: -a more accurate depiction of the atom; -a theory of planetary pairing; -the formulas for Unified Field; -an explanation for blackholes; -the speed of light is near infinite; -a formula for gravity; -an exact explanation of gravity; -an amazing explanation for the solar system! Read the preview. It includes the formula for gravity and a little math. Then decide if John is a crackpot or someone worthy of listening to.
Newton was wrong! Gravity is not a force of attraction. But knowing that is only the beginning to understanding our universe! Among other things in th...