Are you broke? If you lost your job would you lose your car? In a few months would you lose your home? If you answered yes YOU ARE BROKE! The Working Man and Womans Way to Wealth will show you how to become wealthy - REAL WEALTH. You will not lose your home after you lose your job! You will be able to make your home MORTGAGE FREE after only a few years - not 30 or 40 years as most people pay on their mortgage! You will have to work otherwise I would have named the book The Lazy Way to Getting Rich but I didn't - it does take work but it can be done in a short time span. You can become...
Are you broke? If you lost your job would you lose your car? In a few months would you lose your home? If you answered yes YOU ARE BROKE! The Working ...
Every civilized country has some sort of written system in place that they use to promote as their system of justice! This written law or constitution to regulate the justice system is used for propaganda purposes: to make the population - and in fact the world - aware of the fact that there is fairness in the trials and in the punishment of their population. That may be all that it is: propaganda!
Every civilized country has some sort of written system in place that they use to promote as their system of justice! This written law or constitution...