Russian English bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying Russian or English their second language. Little Jimmy doesn't like to brush his teeth. Even when his mother gives him a brand new orange toothbrush, his favorite color, he doesn't use it like he is supposed to. But when strange and magical things start happening to Little Jimmy, he begins to realize how important brushing his teeth can be. I love to brush my teeth is a delightful story full of beautiful illustrations sure to get your little ones attention. If your child is having difficulty learning to brush their teeth...
Russian English bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying Russian or English their second language. Little Jimmy doesn't like to brush h...
Russian English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Russian As their second language. This fun children's picture book follows the story of cute little bunny, Jimmy. Jimmy doesn't want to sleep in his own bed. Every night he sneaks into his parents' room and falls asleep in their bed. Until one night something unexpected happened....
Russian English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Russian As their second language. This fun children's picture book ...
Russian English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Russian as their second language. Jimmy, the little bunny, likes to eat candy, but doesn't even want to taste fruits and vegetables. He sneaks into the kitchen to try to find a bag with candies that was hidden inside the cupboard. What happens right after Jimmy climbs up to reach the bag of candy? You will find out when you read this illustrated children's book. Since that day, Jimmy starts to develop healthy eating habits and even likes to eat his fruits and vegetables.
Russian English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Russian as their second language. Jimmy, the little bunny, likes to...
Spanish English Bilingual Book. Perfect for kids studying English or Spanish as their second language. Jimmy and his bunny brothers love to play, and today is Jimmy's birthday, so he has lots of toys. However, he doesn't always want to share, and because of that, he may miss out on having fun. Let's find out what it means to share, and why it makes us feel better
A Jimmy y a sus hermanos conejitos les encanta jugar y hoy es el cumpleaNos de Jimmy, asI que El tiene muchos juguetes. No obstante, Jimmy no siempre quiere compartir y, a causa de ello, puede perderse muchos...
Spanish English Bilingual Book. Perfect for kids studying English or Spanish as their second language. Jimmy and his bunny brothers love to ...
German English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or German as their second language. Fun children's book with educational message. Jimmy the little bunny is in trouble. Accidently, he ruined his mother favourite flowers. Will it help if he lies? Or is it better to tell the truth and try to solve the problem in different way? Help your children to learn to be more honest with this fun children's book.
Der kleine Hase Jimmy ist in Schwierigkeiten. Er hat aus Versehen die Lieblingsblumen seiner Mutter zerstOrt. Wird es helfen, wenn er lUgt? Oder ist es...
German English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or German as their second language. Fun children's book with educationa...
Chinese English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Chinese as their second language. Fun bedtime story with important message. Jimmy the little bunny is in trouble. Accidently, he ruined his mother favourite flowers. Will it help if he lies? Or is it better to tell the truth and try to solve the problem in different way? Help your children to learn to be more honest with this fun children's book.
Chinese English Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Chinese as their second language. Fun bedtime story with important ...
This is a touching story of friendship between a dog and a little boy. When one of them needs help they are always there for each other. This is what true friendship means.
Esta es la conmovedora historia de amistad entre un perro y un niNo pequeNo. Cuando uno de ellos necesita ayuda siempre estAn ahI el uno para el otro. Esto es lo que la verdadera amistad significa.
This is a touching story of friendship between a dog and a little boy. When one of them needs help they are always there for each other. This is wh...
This is a touching story of friendship between a dog and a little boy. When one of them needs help they are always there for each other. This is what true friendship means. This story may be ideal for reading to your kids at bedtime and enjoyable for the whole family as well
This is a touching story of friendship between a dog and a little boy. When one of them needs help they are always there for each other. Thi...
Russian English bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Russian as their second language. This is a touching story of friendship between a dog and a little boy. When one of them needs help they are always there for each other. This is what true friendship means.
Russian English bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Russian as their second language. This is a touching story of frien...
Russian English bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Russian as their second language. This is a touching story of friendship between a dog and a little boy. When one of them needs help they are always there for each other. This is what true friendship means.
Russian English bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Russian as their second language. This is a touching story of frien...