If you'd like to create web-based applications easily, then this book is for you. More importantly, it shows you how to do that with joy and feel good about your own work You don't need to know servlet or JSP while your productivity will be much higher than using servlet or JSP directly. This is possible because we're going to use a library called "Tapestry" that makes complicated stuff simple and elegant. The first four chapters are freely available on http: //agileskills2.org/EWDT. You can judge it yourself.
If you'd like to create web-based applications easily, then this book is for you. More importantly, it shows you how to do that with joy and feel good...
If you'd like to learn how to create web services (in particular, using Apache Axis) and make some sense of various standards like SOAP, WSDL, JAX-RPC, SOAP with attachments, WS-Security, XML Encryption and XML Signature, then this book is for you. It has a tutorial style that walks you through in a step-by-step manner to create working code. The first 40 pages are freely available on http: //agileskills2.org/DWSAA. You can judge it yourself.
If you'd like to learn how to create web services (in particular, using Apache Axis) and make some sense of various standards like SOAP, WSDL, JAX-RPC...
If you'd like to learn the new features in Java SE 5.0 and pass the Sun Certified Java Programmer Upgrade Exam (CX-310-056), then this book is for you. It covers all the Java SE 5.0 new features required in the exam. You don't need to read about the existing features that you already know. 117 review questions and mock exam questions are included.
If you'd like to learn the new features in Java SE 5.0 and pass the Sun Certified Java Programmer Upgrade Exam (CX-310-056), then this book is for you...