The One is a story of a young man's heartbreak and spiraling internal growth. Written through the eyes of Keith Kiner reflecting back upon the year 1976 in Ohio when he was only fifteen, The One touches on the same universal issues that teenagers find themselves facing today such as peer pressure, depression, unrealistic expectations, and drug and alcohol experimentation. Jeff Kozlowski wrote The One to help struggling teenagers come to terms with their past failures in the hopes of reaching their higher potentials. After working with many students who have suffered through major self-esteem...
The One is a story of a young man's heartbreak and spiraling internal growth. Written through the eyes of Keith Kiner reflecting back upon the year 19...
Sea of Movement is an elegant journey into freedom, power, and the search for unconditional love. The story begins when Nathan Jansen and Billy Windsor, in the midst of a nautical adventure, meet the charming Nikki Thomsen while surfing off the coast of New Zealand. Nikki, longing to escape past trauma and see the world, is thrown into a stimulating ride of independence and self-gratification. But when she chooses between the two friends, the days of simple pleasure are left behind. Her decision leads to heightened tension and a series of self-destructive events that will shatter each of...
Sea of Movement is an elegant journey into freedom, power, and the search for unconditional love. The story begins when Nathan Jansen and Billy Windso...