When mercenary Del Grant alerts the Liberator crew to the existence of a new Federation super-weapon, Avon leads an epic battle to avert catastrophe...
When mercenary Del Grant alerts the Liberator crew to the existence of a new Federation super-weapon, Avon leads an epic battle to avert catastrophe.....
The perfect series to read following the cult smash-hit movie Dredd, starring Karl Urban. High-octane fiction origin of the iconic lawman, Judge Dredd Detailing the second brutal year of Judge Dredd's beat as a full-eagle judge on the mean streets of Mega-City One. Including stories written by 2000 AD editor Matt Smith, Judge Dredd comics writer Michael Carroll (Any Empire Falls) and best-selling Doctor Who writer Cavan Scott. Mega-City One, 2081. Judge Joe Dredd's been on the beat for a year, and already seen one of the defining busts of his career,...
The perfect series to read following the cult smash-hit movie Dredd, starring Karl Urban. High-octane fiction origin of the iconic lawman,...
But he finds himself drawn by a strange fascination with the Jedi Master Lene Kostana, and the mission she undertakes for the Order: finding and studying ancient relics of the Sith, in preparation for the eventual return of the deadliest enemies the Jedi have ever faced.
But he finds himself drawn by a strange fascination with the Jedi Master Lene Kostana, and the mission she undertakes for the Order: finding and study...