This is a story about womankind's natural role as guardians of the Flame of Spirit that dwells within the heart of all human beings. Lilith, the eternal root of the sacred feminine from humankind's spiritual genesis, symbolizes archetypally this role women once held by sacred design and divine intent. They were known as the Keepers of the Flame, those who oversaw and guided the way humans organized themselves in all affairs that governed their lives. The foundation for their way of life was based upon Natural Law versus man-made laws. One of its core principles was the universal practice of...
This is a story about womankind's natural role as guardians of the Flame of Spirit that dwells within the heart of all human beings. Lilith, the etern...
This is a story about womankind's natural role as guardians of the Flame of Spirit that dwells within the heart of all human beings. Lilith, the eternal root of the sacred feminine from humankind's spiritual genesis, symbolizes archetypally this role women once held by sacred design and divine intent. They were known as the Keepers of the Flame, those who oversaw and guided the way humans organized themselves in all affairs that governed their lives. The foundation for their way of life was based upon Natural Law versus man-made laws. One of its core principles was the universal practice of...
This is a story about womankind's natural role as guardians of the Flame of Spirit that dwells within the heart of all human beings. Lilith, the etern...